Bill Davis enjoys the study of history as well as bringing historic places to life in new paintings. Here we see the historic range light and fog bell on Fort Sumter.
“In 1893, stone jetties were under construction to improve the harbor, and Swash Channel was deepened, making it the best entrance into Charleston Harbor. During the dredging operation, which included a straight cut across the bar, workers used the lighthouse on Fort Sumter and the steeple of St. Philip’s Church in Charleston as a range for making the channel. When the work was finished, Fort Sumter Light coupled with a light on St. Philip’s steeple was the natural choice for range lights to mark Swash Channel. The vestry of St. Philip’s Church was approached and gave its permission to place a light in its steep in exchange for a yearly rental of $300. Gas pipes were run from the city main to an argand gas-burner placed inside a reflector at a height of 140 feet in the steeple. An electric apparatus at the base of the steeple was used to activate the gas light via wires that ran up to the burner.” from
Oil on panel
Image size: 6 x 18 inches
Framed size: 12 x 24 inches
106-A Church Street
Charleston, SC 29401
(843) 723-0073
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