New Year, New Blog: Introducing the Artist of the Month Series

The Traveler | 12 x 12 inches | Oil on panel | Available


Patt Baldino: January Artist of the Month

New Year, and finally a New Blog Post! Introducing our Artist of the Month series. Each month we will feature one of our talented artists and get to know them a little better. Keep an eye on this space for special on-line only exclusive releases as well as all the good things happening at Helena Fox Fine Art. And now, without further ado, introducing our January Artist of the Month Patt Baldino.

Arrtist Patt Baldino

“My love of art began at an early age. When I was 6 years old I won my first award for a school art project. I continued to draw and color throughout my childhood. This passion led me to an acceptance into the High School of Art and Design in New York City, which offered an amazing art curriculum.”

Ms. Baldino grew up in New York City where she attended th High School of Art and Design and then went on to FIT where she earned an Associate’s Degree and then to continue her education when on to earn her BFA in Graphic Design from The School of Visual Arts. She spent the first part of her career as an artist in graphic design.

“I became Art Director at Kraft Food and had notable clients such as Seagrams and Avon. From there I started my own company where I worked with Playtex and Max Factor. My love for art never waned, as I continued to paint in oils and pastels. I began realizing that I was happier in front of a canvas instead of a computer screen. That was where my fine art career really began.”

Parakeet Bouquet by Patt Baldino | Available

I asked Patt if there ever was an ‘aha’ moment and there was! While taking one of many figurative art classes, she realized that painting still life was her passion. “When I first began painting, I was doing a lot of figurative work. One of the most amusing memories was when the model we were painting kept falling asleep. Someone walked in with a beautiful bouquet of flowers, and In that moment I knew what I really wanted to paint. That is where my love of still life art began.”

We are thrilled that she discovered her love of still life and painting flowers. Many of her pieces have a whimsical nature as well, I am particularly enamored of her piece “Let’s Go Color’ featuring a parakeet and a crayon.

Let’s Go Color | Available


Who has influenced your career the most?

“My Dad was the first to influence my art. He worked at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. When I was a young, he would bring home catalogs. He would also take me to art stores and let me buy any supplies I wanted. I have such a deep appreciation for him.”

Butterflies and Teapotk | Available

Throughout her career she has continued to reach and strive for making her work the very best it can be. Part of this comes in the form applying to and being part of juried exhibits. While we mostly feature Ms. Baldino’s work featuring birds, we do enjoy having a few pieces of her more traditional still life work. “Butterflies and Teapots’ won the during the 108th Allied Artist of America Juried Exhibition.

Being one of the most recent additions to our gallery, we appreciatek our client and friends reaction to this talented artist and look forward to continuing this relationship. For available as well as past work, take a look at our Featured Artist page and find the Patt Baldino for your collection.

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