We couldn’t be more proud of our Gallery Cover Boys– both Don Demers and West Fraser grace the covers of winter magazines.

DON DEMERS— ‘On Land and at Sea: After years at the top of contemporary marine art, Demers longed to move beyond the narrative quality of the genre to more personal work. He still paints the sea, but now the stories are his own.’
Know mostly for his dramatic marine paintings of sailboats racing for the finish line or waves crashing towards the shore, Don Demers creates enticing paintings en plein air not only of the water, boats and the fishermen who spend their time there, but lively works depicting the quaint villages of France, the dramatic oaks of the South Carolina Lowcountry and beyond. Artists are constantly searching, and we are privileged to be able to ride along as Don finds his new horizons.
” ‘You have to decide what role a painting is going to play in your life. Do you want it to make you feel good, or be confrontational. Demers has something of a reply to that question, although he ultimately leaves it to the viewer to supply his or her own answer. ‘I want people to feel what I felt,’ he says. ‘I want to be able to show the viewer something I experienced and have them recognize it in their own response. I seek the translation of a souvenir into a remembrance. If it is a souvenir for someone that triggers a memory, that is exciting and rewarding to me.'”
For more information about available work from Don Demers, please visit our website www.helenafoxfineart.com.

WEST FRASER–Creating a ‘portrait of place’ has been part of West Fraser’s credo almost from the beginning of his career. Although it took leaving his lowcountry home to cement the idea in his head, and heart. Since his return to the South in the late 80’s he has documented the changing coast lines, street scenes, and sky lines of the place he calls ‘his country.’
Although the boundaries change continually, it is roughly the area outlined by the ‘Georgia Bight,’ from just north of Georgetown, South Carolina to around St. Augustine, Florida with Charleston and Beaufort County being smack dab in the middle.
This winter two magazines chose to feature West Fraser, and Shrimp, Collards, & Grits Lifestyle magazine chose to put one of his paintings on the cover! These days when Fraser is home in South Carolina you can usually find him in his studio or walking the streets capturing the last bit of the old Charleston that is vanishing before our eyes and if he is not stateside, he is in Costa Rica capturing a new place. His new home away from home has captured his heart and his paint brush. And although I would love to be looking at the tropical landscape myself, I love seeing it through his eyes.
We hope you will take some time to find one or both of these great magazines and read more about our Cover Boys!