Future Chick

Good afternoon from Charleston! Our artist Frank Lombardo (@franklombardo) is digging out his studio in Marshall, North Carolina.

We have been following along via his Instagram, and although they are making great progress, it will be a while before the artists and other tenants of the building will be able to get back in and go to work.

We are sharing his gofundme.com campaign as well as offering the sale of ‘Future Chicks’ in support of his effort. We know that there are a lot of people hurting right now and we hope that the more we share about where the need is, the better off the mountain communities will be.

If interested in purchasing a Future Chick, please contact the gallery and we will get you set up. The funds from the pre-sale will go directly to Frank for him to use at his discretion as well as to help him get his studio re-kitted and get him painting again!

For a boots on the ground look at what he is doing, check out his instagram–linked above. What an amazing community he is part of.

Thank you for reading and we look forward to hearing from you all.

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