Patt Baldino is a gifted artist whose award winning work have been widely exhibited throughout the United States. Dramatic paintings reflect her impressive technical skills and keen eye for composition. A pinpoint of light on a glass or a play of shadows in her rich palette invites us to explore her work in greater depth.After graduating from the High School of Art and Design, Patt received a BFA from the School of Visual Arts in New York city. Studied at Grand Central Atelier, Art Students League and National Academy School of Fine Arts. Patt paints her orals and still lifes in oils. Her paintings have been juried into international shows including being a semi-nalist the past two years in the Art Renewal Center (ARC) international competitions, Best of Show from CAFA, Oil Painters of America, International Guild of Realism, Salon Interna-tional and many awards from the Salmagundi Club Exhibition to name a few. Her work can be found in private collections throughout the United States.
Patt Baldino
“My paintings aim to capture not just the physical details of local wildlife and landscapes, but also the emotional connection I feel to them.”
Patt Baldino is an acclaimed artist whose award-winning works have been showcased nationally. Her painting’s display exceptional technical skill and a keen eye for composition. From the delicate shimmer of light on glass to the interplay of shadows in her vibrant palette, Patt invites viewers into her world of intricate detail.
Specializing in oils, Patt captures the unique personalities and diverse species of birds, along with the beauty of florals, still life, and landscapes. Her goal is to evoke contemplation and a deep appreciation for nature. Through her work, Patt’s love for the natural world shines through , as she uses the canvas and her chosen palette to convey its beauty and complexity. Her extraordinary depictions of birds, for example, bring these creatures to life through the meticulous use of a vast color spectrum that dovetails with the colors created by nature. Patt is fascinated with the unique personalities and cultural significance of these creatures. Though her interpretations may vary from viewer to viewer, Patt’s depictions significantly contribute to the universal appeal of birds while expressing for us the marvel we have for their beauty.
A lifelong artist, Patt has exhibited extensively throughout the United States and her creations appear in galleries and collectors’ homes. Her paintings also have been selected for prestigious international exhibitions. Patt skillfully combines realistic detail with atmospheric settings, creating works reminiscent of the great masters. Like those before her, Patt studies her subjects intensely, to create images that are both portraits and evocative scenes.
Patt’s paintings have been juried into many international shows. Among these are two Museum Show from American Women Artist (AWA), NOAPA-Best of America International Exhibition, NOAPS-Best of America Small Works International Juried Exhibition, Best of Show from CAFA, semi-finalist selections in the Art Renewal Center (ARC) international competitions and additional awards and recognition from Oil Painters of America, International Guild of Realism, Salon International and from the Salmagundi Club Exhibition.
Salmagundi Club, Sylvia Maria Glesmann Juried Exhibition. September 2021
IGOR International Guild of Realism, Fall Salon Online Exhibition. October-December 2021
AAA Allied Artists of America 108th Exhibition Florence & Ernest Thorne Thompson Memorial
Award September 2021
AWA American Women Artists, Awarded Associate with Distinction Membership. 2021
OPA Oil Painters of American Juried Salon Show June – August 2021
HVAA Hudson Valley Art Association Juried Show June – July 2021
AAPL American Artist Professional League “Explore” Exhibition April – August 2021.
CAFA February – March 2021 Best of Show Award
AWA American Women Artists, 2021 Spring Online Juried Show
IGOR International Guild of Realism. Online Show Spring 2021
CLWAC Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club, Juried Show 2021
Susan Powell Gallery, Madison Ct., Valentine Show February 2021
ARC 15th International ARC (Art Renewal Center) Salon Competition, 2020 Awarded a Semi-Finalist
LAA Lyme Art Association, Elected Show, July, 2020 Awarded Third Place
BoldBrush Painting competition FAV15% Award February 2020
Richeson75 Still Life & Floral Competition 2020, Meritorious Award
Sylvia Maria Glesmann Floral Juried Exhibition Salmagundi Club October 2020
Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club, 2020 The Creative Hands Award
Susan Powell Gallery, Madison Ct., Valentine Show February 2020
ARC 15th International ARC (Art Renewal Center) Salon Competition, 2020 Awarded a Semi-Finalist
LAA Lyme Art Association, Elected Show, July, 2020 Awarded Third Place
BoldBrush Painting Competition, September 2020 FAV 15% Award
AAPL American Artist Professional League, 90th Grand National Exhibition, Awarded DeCozen
Award for a Floral
BoldBrush Painting Competition, April 2020 FAV 15% Award
Salmagundi Club Salmagundi Exhibition March 2018 Awarded Honorable Mention
Ridgewood Art Institute, Juried show, Ridgewood NJ 2018 Awarded Betty Kaytes Floral Award
Susan Powell Gallery, Madison Ct., Valentine Show February 2018
Salmagundi Club Landscape Exhibition, every year for the past 7 years
Salmagundi Club Black & White Exhibition, every year for the past 7 years
Salmagundi Club Thumb Box Exhibition, every year for the past 7 years
LAA Lyme Art Association, Elected Artist Show Lyme Ct. juried into 3 shows a year for past 10
Beaux Arts, Juried Show Bronxville NY 2015 Awarded 1st place and Best of Show
Salmagundi Club Glesmann Floral Exhibition May 2015, Awarded 1st Place
Mystic Art Center, Member show June 2015 Awarded 1st Place

Sunny Delight-SOLD

Yellow Pears and Kinglet

Little Robin

Red Cardinal

Robin with Lemons

Holding On

Magpie on a Branch